You may probably be new with the idea of making money online. There are tons of ways to actually make money over the Internet but most may be complicated and needs a huge amount of audience or followers thus a lot of people did not succeed and eventually quit this whole thing. One of the simplest way to make money online is by participating with surveys. To spare you the time in researching the best platform for this, I am going to share the best website by far as of 2019.

LifePoints (formerly GlobalTestMarket) was founded since 1999, thus this survey platform is well established and I am confident that you will get paid. You can earn from 10 to 100 LifePoints per survey you successfully completed wherein you can convert your LifePoints into real cash through your Paypal account.

Whilst this is a legit site where you can earn money, this should not be your main source of income since it is not guaranteed that there will be surveys available everyday. This should be just a complementary to your main source of income.

Q; How to sign up?
A; Using your browser, go to and fill out the necessarily information as seen below.

Q: Can I do this using a smartphone or a tablet?
A: Yes, you can complete surveys on a smartphone or a tablet. However, the are certain surveys that are only available using a desktop or a laptop PC.

Q: What is the minimum payout?
A: 285 LifePoints which amounts to PHP 250.

Q: Do you have proof of payment?
A: Yes. (Please see screenshots below)